MILO 50th Anniversary Manifesto

A film to celebrate MILO's 50 year anniversary in Indonesia
and how it has shared the same energy for the kids of the nation,
from generation to generation for five decades.
Just like the way parents see themselves in their children,
MILO honors how they pass down the spirit of creating a better future through sports because
Once a MILO kid, always a MILO kid.

Executive Creative Director Mark Verhagen
Associate Creative Director Gerry Rego
Art Director Fanuella Evangelista Parera | Sr. Copywriter Heppy Syaputri Dewandani
Business Director Abdur Rahman | Asc. Account Director Rizka Lenggogini
Account Management Ajeng Sespiani, Farah Tsani

Director Maria Guidone | Production House Triple5

©​​​​​​​ VML Indonesia
MILO 50th Anniversary Manifesto